I love spring! I’ve been painting with spring in mind. I just dropped off a series of new work to Studio 7 Fine Art in Pleasanton, Ca last week and they already sold one of the new vineyard paintings. I will be exhibiting in their May exhibit titled “Florals and the Feminine Figure” opening May 6. Be sure to stop by this lovely gallery.
Also continuing through May is a group show of Northern California Landscapes including “moi” at Robert Allen Fine Art in Sausalito, CA. If you are in the Bay Area this is a beautiful gallery to visit. Robert has been in the San Francisco gallery business for decades and opened this gorgeous space several years ago. I am always blown away when I see how aesthetically engaging his exhibitions are presented. That and his warm and inviting personality make for a positive experience for the gallery browser or serious collector.
Meanwhile, back in the studio, I’ve been continuing with my abstract drawings. These are wonderful meditations for me to produce and I enjoy the back and forth between the two series and the way they relate to each other.
Learn MoreIt’s Sausalito Art Festival time! Labor Day Weekend, September 5, 6 and 7 marks my favorite show of the year, and my 10th straight year participating in the #1 art festival in the country. This year will be the first year I will be debuting a series of oil paintings in addition to my pastels. Check the “Oils” category on the right side tab bar for a sampling of what I will be showing. Additionally, I’ve been adding new pastels frequently so be sure to check the Pastels category as well! For the past two years I’ve been fortunate enough to serve on the 2-D jury and this year there should be some great work by new artists and of course excellent art from artists who have been exhibiting at Sausalito consistently over time. I’ve been working hard doing extensive preparations for this show so I hope to see you all there…its a wonderfully fun event!
For more information visit www.sausalitoartfestival.org
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Artists have been drawn to images of water, with its aesthetic and evocative qualities since the early cave man drawings. There is a soothing quality to water…and evidenced based studies have shown that images of water create a calming, restful environment in healthcare settings.
I was drawn to this composition because of the strong blue sky reflection in this closed in waterway near my home in Eureka. The winter brush and spent wildflowers had an amazing depth of color to play with. This is one of the paintings that will be featured in my upcoming show at Art Brokers in Sausalito. I will post additional images from the show in upcoming days.
I’ve wondered why I rarely paint seascapes since I’ve lived on the Pacific coast for the past 7 years. I think I should make that be one of my challenges…
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