Tomorrow we start our road trip to the Bellevue Museum Arts Fair. I love this show and I hope that if you are in the area you come and visit me there in Booth Q-24. Its a beautiful showing of artists and the best of craft and jewelers from across the country. This year I only participated in two fairs (La Quinta was the other.) I’ve enjoyed a break and its given me time to pursue other avenues within my work but I am looking forward to returning to Bellevue and seeing friends and my collectors from the past 12 years.
Check back soon – my website is in the process of being revamped! I gotta stay current. I’ll still have the blog but I’ll have a traditional website as well like the old days (of the early 200’s LOL!)
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. The sun finally came out in Humboldt County – the most beautiful place on earth.