After a week living out of a suitcase at The Four Points Sheraton and preceded by weeks and months of annual preparation for my biggest event of the year The Sausalito Art Festival, we are finally, and happily, home. I’m sitting in my office, Barack Obama is addressing Congress in the background…..hmmm, I’m not big on politicians right now, even the ones I voted for. I’m incredulous to all of the rhetoric but let’s see how he does. I need to be inspired right now.
This time of year is historically the end and beginning of the work season for me. I just sent my daughter off to college and my dear husband and I are now empty nesters. Its a strange feeling but one I am embracing for the sake of my psyche and my art. I look forward to working with abandon in my studio late at night, taking the occasional trip to gather inspiration without having to concern myself with school schedules and the fear of my child driving at night. No car for this freshman and the dorm is right on campus. Somewhere there is an R.A. who is going to get a nice Christmas card from me. I wonder if they make sure the kids eat their vegetables?
Back to current events….. Sausalito was a bittersweet blast. Its always fun and crowded and I’m by now a show veteran along with my other peers in Row 600 on the tennis courts. This year’s “gala” was a tad ill conceived but our spirits were not deterred come opening morning.
My work looked great and I placed quite a few originals in the hands of new collectors and added to the collections of more. I love this show more than any other and its always sad when its over. So many friends and laughs and good times. But its so nice to be home.
In a little over two weeks we take off again for San Diego. A little show in LaJolla that has the benefit of having Joseph Lillis on board. He is the mastermind that turned the Sausalito Art Festival into a blockbuster event for artists and patrons and is hoping to do something similar in other venues. Till then I’ll be back in the studio in earnest. I have paintings to paint including a big hospital commission. Hope to come up for air soon.
Bay Area Friends: if you would like a private showing of anything you saw at the Sausalito Art Festival I will be in the Bay Area at the end of the month. Please let me know and I’ll come by and show you work in your home/office!
Barack is still talking. Lots of clapping. Seems to be going quite well. I’m actually inspired! Awesome.